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Public Complaints About Personnel



The Lamoille North Supervisory Union (LNSU) is committed to see that complaints about personnel are considered in a timely manner that is fair to all parties. LNSU places trust in our employees and desires to support their actions in such a manner that employees are free from unnecessary, spiteful or unjustified criticism or complaints.

Resolving Complaints
The complainant shall be encouraged first to bring a complaint to the individual concerned. If the problem cannot be resolved with the individual concerned, it should be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor or administrator. The complaint should be in writing stating the issues and supporting facts. The employee involved shall be given every opportunity for explanation, comment and presentation of the facts as they see them. If the issue is not resolved by involvement of the immediate supervisor, the complainant may refer the issue to the superintendent for their review and decision. In cases of alleged discrimination, the complainant should follow the procedures accompanying the anti-discrimination policy or other relevant procedure.

Appeal to the Board
If the above steps do not resolve the concern of the complainant, they may request to meet with the board for the purpose of reviewing the superintendent's decision. If the board decides to hear the request of the complainant, it shall invite all parties involved, including administrators, to attend the meeting for purposes of presenting facts, making further explanations and clarifying the issue. The board shall conduct such meetings in a fair and just manner and shall render a decision. It is the intent of the district that the rights of employees be protected through the administration of this procedure.