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District Safety

Safety 101

At Lamoille North Supervisory Union, the safety of our school community is our top priority.  Together we can make our schools stronger and safer.  Students, teachers, parents, school administrators, local law enforcement, and community members have a role to play in creating a safe and secure environment for all.  We have a dedicated team of safety professionals who are committed to creating a safe learning and working environment for our students and staff.

Here are some of the ways Lamoille North has engaged in safety and security preparedness efforts.

  • We collaborate with local emergency planners and with our first response community on our school emergency preparedness efforts.
  • LNSU has a strong relationship with our local law enforcement and we often work with these members to discuss potential crisis situations.  This collaboration includes our on-campus School Resource Officers
  • Our schools also routinely practice safety drills to promote awareness and response to potential emergency situations.

As recommended through state and federal guidance, Lamoille North Supervisory Union & School District employees a two-tier approach to safety in our facilities.  The Supervisory Union and each school campus utilize dedicated safety teams that mobilize and support each other during emergency situations; similarly, each school campus is also home to a dedicated Threat Assessment Team.

As defined by the Vermont Department of Public Safety, Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams utilize:

  • A fact-based, systematic process designed to identify, gather information about, assess, and manage potentially dangerous or violent situations.
  • The primary goal of the behavioral threat assessment & management process is to prevent harm and to take efforts to enhance the safety & well-being of everyone involved, including the individual of concern, the situation, and the school.

Contact Us

Dylan Laflam
Director of Facilities
Rene Thibault
Director of Marketing & Communications

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