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Social Media Guidelines

Thank you for following Lamoille North Supervisory Union & School District on social media! We are excited to use these powerful networking tools to communicate with our larger community.

Some Basic Guidelines:

· Be respectful. Treat others with respect, even if you may disagree with what they are saying.
· Keep your comments on topic.
· Try not to share confidential information.
· Do not post information that could affect another person’s safety or wellbeing.
· If posts are not in line with these guidelines, we may remove them from our accounts.

Your Comments:

A reminder that our social media accounts are viewable by anyone on the internet. We are not responsible for the content that you share on our posts.


We are on social media to share information with parents, families, and community members. However, this does not replace communication directly with the school. If you need to reach someone at the school, please contact us by phone or email. We may not respond to comments on social media in a timely fashion.


We take complaints very seriously and want to ensure any issues are dealt with properly. However, our social media accounts are not an ideal location to file a complaint. If you have a complaint and would like to bring it up with the supervisory union, please contact us via phone or email. If we receive a complaint via social media that contains a threat of violence, it may be passed on to the proper authorities. We may also remove a complaint post if it does not meet our guidelines.

Thank you for taking the time to follow us on social media!