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Release of Information & Media Guidelines

Communications are an integral part of our District. Learning opportunities are often active, student-centered, and innovative experiences.

As our students develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to prepare them for the next stage of their lives, we often document and celebrate their learning through the use of digital and print media. Photography and video are best at capturing these learning moments and sharing our stories.

As a District, we are actively using:

  • The Lamoille North school and district websites
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • The News & Citizen
  • Flyers/annual reports/handbook/etc.

Lamoille North does not require parents to sign a form giving the District permission to share images of students’ likenesses or artistic work to be used in printed, televised, and web-based (including social media) communication.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, Lamoille North designates the following types of information as directory information and may disclose this information without the prior consent of the parent or eligible student:

Student’s name, address, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities or sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance and/or degrees, and honors awards received.

Anyone seeking this information must do so in writing and be specific concerning what roster or directory they seek.  

This includes but is not limited to, information for military recruiters. For military purposes, directory information is defined as a student's name, address, telephone listing, and year of graduation.

News media occasionally ask to visit our campus to produce stories about current issues or events happening at Lamoille North.  When reporters are here, they usually ask to photograph, tape, or interview students.  As an addendum to the Annual Notification of Directory Information and the Right of Refusal, we want students and parents to know that students have the right not to be photographed, taped, or interviewed within the school by news media.

* Parents/guardians who wish to opt-out of any of the information above, may complete an opt-out form.  A digital form is available below, or a version can be printed and completed by using this link.  The opt-out form must be filled out and submitted each year. *