Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The mission of the office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment is to provide unwavering support for the potential of all students by offering multiple pathways for learning with rigorous and innovative curricula.
Kimberly Hunt
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Rigorous Curriculum Design
- Assessment and Data
- Proficiency-Based Learning
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Digital Learning
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Rigorous Curriculum Design
Assessment and Data
Proficiency-Based Learning
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Digital Learning
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2022 LNSU End-of-Year Mentoring Program Event
RFP for Supplemental Literacy Program
LNSU Title I, Part A, Parent and Family Engagement Policy
LNSU 2022-2023 Title I Parent Survey
LNSU 2022-2023 Title I Handbook
LNSU 2022-2023 Title I Parent Handbook
LNSU Social-Emotional Learning Competencies Guide
LNSU Recovery Plan Implementation & Summary of Outcomes 2021-2022
LNSU Continuous Improvement Plan 2022-2024
Approved LNSU Recovery Plan 2021
LNSU Recovery Plan Implementation 2021-2022
LNSU Academic Recovery Introduction, August 2021
For Educators
The warmest of welcomes to the new 2023 teachers joining our Lamoille North family!