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Book Recommendations (At Grade Level)




·        13 Colors of the Honduran Resistance by Melissa Cardoza - ★★★★★

·        Ballad of an American by Sharon Rudahl - ★★★★★

·        Ban This Book by Alan Gratz - ★

·        Celebrate People's History! by Josh MacPhee - ★★★★★

·        Destiny's Gift by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley - ★★★★★

·        8th Grade Superzero by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich - ★★★★★

·        Fannie Never Flinched by Mary Cronk Farrell - ★★★★★

·        Fred Korematsu Speaks Up by Laura Atkins, Stan Yogi - ★★★★★

·        Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes - ★★★

·        Hidden Figures Young Readers' Edition by Margot Lee Shetterly - ★★★★★

·        Kent State by Derf Backderf - ★★★★★

·        Lift as You Climb by Patricia Hruby Powell - ★★★

·        Milo's Museum by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        My Night in the Planetarium by Innosanto Nagara - ★★★★★

·        No Voice Too Small by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, Jeanette Bradley - ★★★★★

·        One by Kathryn Otoshi - ★★★★★

·        One of a Kind, Like Me / Unico Como Yo by Laurin Mayeno - ★★★★★

·        Poisoned Water by Candy J Cooper, Marc Aronson - ★★★★★

·        Portraits of Racial Justice by Robert Shetterly - ★★★★★

·        Rad Women Worldwide by Kate Schatz - ★★★★★

·        Side by Side/Lado a lado by Monica Brown - ★★★★★

·        Step Up to the Plate, Maria Singh by Uma Krishnaswami - ★★★★★

·        Swimmy by Leo Lionni - ★★★★★

·        Take the Mic: Fictional Stories of Everyday Resistance by Bethany C. Morrow - ★★★★★

·        Case for Loving, The by Selina Alko - ★★★

·        Great Kapok Tree, The by Lynne Cherry - ★★★★★

·        Hate U Give, The by Angie Thomas - ★★★★★

·        Voting Booth, The by Brandy Colbert - ★★★★★

·        Water Walker, The by Joanne Robertson - ★★★★★

·        This Promise of Change by Jo Ann Allen Boyce, Debbie Levy - ★★★★★

·        Troublemaker for Justice by Jacqueline Houtman, Walter Naegle, Michael G. Long - ★★★★★

·        Vicki and a Summer of Change! ¡Vicki Y Un Verano de Cambio! by Raquel M. Ortiz, Iris Morales - ★★★★★

·        Voice of Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford - ★★★★★

·        Walk with Me by Jairo Buitrago - ★★★★★

·        Wangari Maathai by Franck Prévot - ★★★★★

·        We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices by Wade Hudson, Cheryl Willis Hudson - ★★★★★

·        Young Water Protectors by Aslan Tudor, Kelly Tudor - ★★★★★


·        Africa Is My Home: A Child of the Amistad by Monica Edinger - ★★★★★

·        Africa Is Not a Country by Margy Burns Knight, Mark Melnicove - ★★★★★

·        Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth Wein - ★★★★★

·        Crossing the Stream by Elizabeth Irene-Baitie - ★★★★★

·        Emmanuel's Dream by Laurie Ann Thompson - ★★★★★

·        Grandpa Cacao by Elizabeth Zunon - ★★★★★

·        Jahohora by Mari Serebrov - ★★★★★

·        King Shaka by Luke W. Molver - ★★★★★

·        Mirage by Somaiya Daud - ★★★★★

·        Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson - ★

·        Nile Crossing by Katy Beebe - ★★★★★

·        Noko and the Kool Kats by Fiona Moodie - ★★★★★

·        One Shadow on the Wall by Leah Henderson - ★★★

·        Orange for the Sunsets by Tina Athaide - ★★★★★

·        Shaka Rising by Luke W. Molver - ★★★★★

·        Sing to the Moon by Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl - ★★★★★

·        Solo by Kwame Alexander - ★★★★★

·        Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o - ★★★★★

·        Banana-Leaf Ball, The by Katie Smith Milway - ★

·        Best Beekeeper of Lalibela, The by Cristina Kessler - ★★★★★

·        Bitter Side of Sweet, The by Tara Sullivan - ★★★★★

·        Boy who Harnessed the Wind, The by William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer - ★★★★★

·        Boy who Spat in Sargrenti's Eye, The by Manu Herbstein - ★★★★★

·        Compassionate Warrior, The by Elsa Marston - ★★★★★

·        Mangrove Tree, The by Cindy Trumbore, Susan L. Roth - ★

·        World Beneath, The by Janice Warman - ★★★★

·        Too Small Tola by Atinuke - ★★★★★

·        Walking Home by Eric Walters - ★★★

·        Wangari Maathai by Franck Prévot - ★★★★★

·        War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi - ★★★★★

·        We Kiss Them with Rain by Futhi Ntshingila - ★★★★★

·        When I Get Older by K'Naan - ★★★★★

·        When Morning Comes by Arushi Raina - ★★★★★

African American

·        42 Is Not Just a Number by Doreen Rappaport - ★★★★★

·        Werewolf Named Oliver James, A by Nicholas John Frith - ★

·        Wish After Midnight, A by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        Africa Is My Home: A Child of the Amistad by Monica Edinger - ★★★★★

·        All American Boys by Jason Reynolds - ★★★

·        Baby's First Words by Stella Blackstone, Sunny Scribens - ★★★★★

·        Ballad of an American by Sharon Rudahl - ★★★★★

·        Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome - ★★★★★

·        Belle, the Last Mule at Gee's Bend by Calvin A. Ramsey, Bettye Stroud - ★★★★★

·        Biddy Mason Speaks Up by Arisa White, Laura Atkins - ★★★★★

·        Bird in a Box by Andrea Davis Pinkney - ★★★

·        Black Is a Rainbow Color by Angela Joy - ★★★★★

·        Black Lives Matter at School by Jesse Hagopian, Denisha Jones - ★★★★★

·        Cause by Tonya Bolden - ★★★★★

·        Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson - ★★★★★

·        Child of the Civil Rights Movement by Paula Young Shelton - ★★★★★

·        Crossing Ebenezer Creek by Tonya Bolden - ★★★★★

·        Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel José Older - ★★★★★

·        Dear Martin by Nic Stone - ★★★

·        Destiny's Gift by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley - ★★★★★

·        Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        Dream Builder by Kelly Starling Lyons - ★★★★★

·        8th Grade Superzero by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich - ★★★★★

·        Ellen's Broom by Kelly Starling Lyons - ★★★★★

·        Finding Langston by Lesa Cline-Ransome - ★★★★★

·        Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule by Harriette Gillem Robinet - ★★★★★

·        Freedom Over Me by Ashley Bryan - ★★★★★

·        Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes - ★★★

·        Grandma's Gift by Eric Velasquez - ★★★★★

·        Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry - ★★★★★

·        Hidden Figures Young Readers' Edition by Margot Lee Shetterly - ★★★★★

·        Honey, I Love by Eloise Greenfield - ★★★★★

·        How to Build a Museum by Tonya Bolden - ★★★★★

·        I Am Alfonso Jones by Tony Medina - ★★★★★

·        It Jes' Happened by Don Tate - ★★★★★

·        Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Octavia E. Butler - ★★★★★

·        Lift as You Climb by Patricia Hruby Powell - ★★★

·        Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds - ★★★★★

·        Man Up! by Riley Campbell, London Jones, Shirelle Hurt - ★★★★★

·        Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport - ★★★★★

·        Master George's People by Marfe Ferguson Delano - ★

·        Milo's Museum by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        Mumbet's Declaration of Independence by Gretchen Woelfle - ★★★★★

·        My Year in the Middle by Lila Quintero Weaver - ★★★★★

·        One Last Word by Nikki Grimes - ★★★★★

·        Panther Baby by Jamal Joseph - ★★★★★

·        Piecing Me Together by Renée Watson - ★★★★★

·        Pies from Nowhere: How Georgia Gilmore Sustained the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Dee Romito - ★★★★★

·        Rad Women Worldwide by Kate Schatz - ★★★★★

·        Risking Everything by Michael Edmonds - ★★★★★

·        Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor - ★★★★★

·        Round & Round Together by Amy Nathan - ★★★★★

·        Ruth and the Green Book by Calvin A. Ramsey - ★★★★★

·        Schomburg: the Man Who Built a Library by Carole Boston Weatherford - ★★★★★

·        Sing a Song by Kelly Starling Lyons - ★★★★★

·        So Done by Paula Chase - ★★★★★

·        Someday Is Now by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich - ★★★★★

·        Sometimes We Do by Omowale Moses - ★★★★★

·        Spies of Mississippi by Rick Bowers - ★★★

·        Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds, Ibram X. Kendi - ★★★★★

·        Steamboat School by Deborah Hopkinson - ★★★★★

·        Stolen Justice: The Struggle for African American Voting Rights (Scholastic Focus) by Lawrence Goldstone - ★★★★★

·        Take a Seat -- Make a Stand: A Hero in the Family by Amy Nathan - ★★★★★

·        Tea Cakes for Tosh by Kelly Starling Lyons - ★★★★★

·        Adventures of Sparrowboy, The by Brian Pinkney - ★★★★★

·        Case for Loving, The by Selina Alko - ★★★

·        Door at the Crossroads, The by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        Great Migration, The by Eloise Greenfield - ★★★★★

·        Hate U Give, The by Angie Thomas - ★★★★★

·        Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks, The by Jeanne TheoharisBrandy Colbert - ★★★★★

·        Voting Booth, The by Brandy Colbert - ★★★★★

·        Women Who Caught the Babies, The by Eloise Greenfield - ★★★★★

·        Troublemaker for Justice by Jacqueline Houtman, Walter Naegle, Michael G. Long - ★★★★★

·        Unbound: A Novel in Verse by Ann E. Burg - ★★★★★

·        Unspeakable by Carole Boston Weatherford - ★★★★★

·        Unspoken by Henry Cole - ★★★★★

·        Voice of Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford - ★★★★★

·        Ways to Make Sunshine by Renée Watson - ★★★★★

·        We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices by Wade Hudson, Cheryl Willis Hudson - ★★★★★

·        We Still Here by Marc Lamont Hill - ★★★★★

·        What's the Most Beautiful Thing You Know about Horses? by Richard Van Camp - ★★★★★

·        When Rosa Parks Went Fishing by Rachel Ruiz - ★

·        Where's Rodney? by Carmen Bogan - ★★★★★

·        William Still and His Freedom Stories by Don Tate - ★★★★★


·        Grandma's Gift by Eric Velasquez - ★★★★★

·        Just a Minute by Yuyi Morales - ★★★★★

·        Miles Morales: Shock Waves (Graphic Novel) by Justin A. Reynolds - ★★★

·        Pelo Bueno by Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro - ★★★★★

·        Jumbies, The by Tracey Baptiste - ★★★★★

·        Yo Soy Muslim by Mark Gonzales - ★★★★★

American Indians, First Nations, Metis, Inuit

·        Mittens and Mukluks! Winter in Alaska by Joni Spiess - ★★★★★

·        Ajijaak - Crane by Cecelia LaPointe - ★★★★★

·        Apple by Eric Gansworth - ★★★★★

·        Apple in the Middle by Dawn Quigley - ★★★★★

·        Boozhoo: Come Play With Us by Fond du Lac Headstart - ★★★★★

·        Bowwow Powwow by Brenda J. Child - ★★★★★

·        Dactyl Hill Squad by Daniel José Older - ★★★★★

·        Dreaming in Indian by Mary Beth Leatherdale and Lisa Charleyboy - ★★★★★

·        Fall in Line, Holden! by Daniel W. Vandever - ★★★★★

·        Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley - ★★★★★

·        Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier - ★

·        I Am Birch by Scott Kelley - ★

·        I See Me by Margaret Manuel - ★★★★★

·        Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse - ★★★

·        Mission to Space by John Bennett Herrington - ★★★★★

·        My Heart is on the Ground by Ann Rinaldi - ★

·        Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse - ★

·        Rock and Roll Highway by Sebastian Robertson - ★★★★★

·        She Sang Promise by Jan Godown Annino - ★★★★★

·        Blue Raven, The by Richard Van Camp - ★★★★★

·        Brave, The by James Bird - ★

·        Case for Loving, The by Selina Alko - ★★★

·        Marrow Thieves, The by Cherie Dimaline - ★★★★★

·        Medicine Wheel, The by Teddy Anderson - ★

·        People Shall Continue, The by Simon J. Ortiz - ★★★★★

·        Sea in Winter, The by Christine Day - ★★★★★

·        Urban Tribes by Lisa Charleyboy - ★★★★★

·        When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry by Joy Harjo - ★★★★★

·        Wild Eggs by Suzie Napayok-Short - ★★★★★

·        Wolf Mark by Joseph Bruchac - ★★★★★

·        Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon - ★

·        Zoe and the Fawn by Catherine Jameson - ★★★★★

American Indians First Nations Metis Inuit

·        Day with Yayah, A by Nicola I. Campbell - ★★★★★

·        Girl Called Echo, A by Katherena Vermette - ★★★★★

·        Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People, An by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Debbie Reese, Jean Mendoza - ★★★★★

·        At the Mountain's Base by Traci Sorell - ★★★★★

·        Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock by Dallas Hunt - ★★★★★

·        Birdsong by Julie Flett - ★★★★★

·        Cheyenne Again by Eve Bunting - ★

·        Dragonfly Kites by Tomson Highway - ★★★★★

·        Fry Bread by Kevin Noble Maillard - ★★★★★

·        Healer of the Water Monster by Brian Young - ★★★★★

·        Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith - ★★★★★

·        I Am Not a Number by Jenny Kay Dupuis, Kathy Kacer - ★★★★★

·        I Sang You Down from the Stars by Tasha Spillett-Sumner - ★★★★★

·        In My Anaana's Amautik by Nadia Sammurtok - ★★★★★

·        In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse by Joseph Marshall III - ★★★★★

·        Indian No More by Charlene Willing McManis, Traci Sorell - ★★★★★

·        Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell - ★

·        Johnny's Pheasant by Cheryl Minnema - ★★★★★

·        kimotinâniwiw itwêwina / Stolen Words by Melanie Florence - ★

·        Kiska by John Smelcer - ★

·        Kiss by Kiss / Ocêtôwina by Richard Van Camp - ★★★★★

·        Mary and the Trail of Tears by Andrea L. Rogers - ★★★★★

·        My Heart Fills with Happiness by Monique Gray Smith - ★★★★★

·        My Name is Not Easy by Debby Dahl Edwardson - ★★★★★

·        Nipehon / I Wait by Caitlin Nicholson - ★★★★★

·        Notyourprincess: Voices of Native American Women by Lisa Charleyboy, Mary Beth Leatherdale - ★★★★★

·        On the Trapline by David A. Robertson - ★★★★★

·        Sharice's Big Voice by Sharice Davids, Nancy K. Mays - ★★★★★

·        Sisters of the Neversea by Cynthia Leitich Smith - ★★★★★

·        Spílexm by Nicola I. Campbell - ★★★★★

·        Spotted Tail by David Heska Wanbli Weiden - ★★★★★

·        Case of the Burgled Bundle: A Mighty Muskrats Mystery: Book 3, The by Michael Hutchinson - ★★★★★

·        Fire, The by Thomas Peacock - ★★★★★

·        Grizzly Mother, The by Hetxw’ms Gyetxw Brett D. Huson - ★★★★★

·        Quest for Z, The by Greg Pizzoli - ★

·        Range Eternal, The by Louise Erdrich - ★★★★★

·        Round House, The by Louise Erdrich - ★★★★★

·        Secret Project, The by Jonah Winter - ★

·        This Land Is My Land by George Littlechild - ★★★★★

·        Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech - ★

·        We Sang You Home by Richard Van Camp - ★★★★★

·        When I was Eight by Christy Jordan-FentonMargaret Pokiak-Fenton - ★★★★★

·        When We Were Alone by David Robertson - ★★★★★

·        Young Water Protectors by Aslan Tudor, Kelly Tudor - ★★★★★


·        Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott - ★★★★★

·        Como Se Dice? by Angela Dominguez - ★★★★★

·        Jahohora by Mari Serebrov - ★★★★★

·        Kamik Joins the Pack by Darryl Baker - ★★★★★

·        Noko and the Kool Kats by Fiona Moodie - ★★★★★

·        Olita and Manyula by Jorge Argueta - ★★★

·        Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote by Duncan Tonatiuh - ★★★★★

·        Passion for Elephants, A by Toni Buzzeo - ★

·        Project Mulberry by Linda Sue Park - ★★★★★

·        Las Mañanitas/the Birthday Book by Susie Jaramillo - ★★★★★

·        Sky Painter, The by Margarita Engle - ★★★★★

·        Tortoise and the Princess, The by Oke, Ikeogu - ★★★★★

·        What's the Most Beautiful Thing You Know about Horses? by Richard Van Camp - ★★★★★


·        Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi - ★★★★★

·        Stepping Stones by Margriet Ruurs - ★★★


·        Celebrate People's History! by Josh MacPhee - ★★★★★

·        Grandma's Gift by Eric Velasquez - ★★★★★

·        It Jes' Happened by Don Tate - ★★★★★

·        Luis Paints the World by Terry Farish - ★★★

·        Milo Imagines the World by Matt de la Peña - ★★★★★

·        My Night in the Planetarium by Innosanto Nagara - ★★★★★

·        Photographic by Isabel Quintero - ★★★★★

·        Rad Women Worldwide by Kate Schatz - ★★★★★

·        Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat by Javaka Steptoe - ★★★★★

·        Rainbow Weaver by Linda Elovitz Marshall - ★★★★★

·        Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins - ★★★★★

·        Stepping Stones by Margriet Ruurs - ★★★

·        Harlem Charade, The by Natasha Tarpley - ★★★★★

·        Medicine Wheel, The by Teddy Anderson - ★

·        Sky Painter, The by Margarita Engle - ★★★★★

·        Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick - ★★★★★


·        Different Pond, A by Bao Phi - ★★★★★

·        Morning with Grandpa, A by Sylvia Liu - ★★★★★

·        Path of Stars, A by Anne Sibley O'Brien - ★★★★★

·        Time to Dance, A by Padma Venkatraman - ★★★★★

·        Ahimsa by Supriya Kelkar - ★★★★★

·        Always Anjali by Sheetal Sheth - ★★★★★

·        Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed - ★★★★★

·        Book Uncle and Me by Uma Krishnaswami - ★★★★★

·        Bravo Anjali! by Sheetal Sheth - ★★★★★

·        Bronze and Sunflower by Cao Wenxuan - ★★★★★

·        First Snow by Bomi Park - ★★★★★

·        Mali Under the Night Sky by Youme Landowne - ★★★★★

·        My Night in the Planetarium by Innosanto Nagara - ★★★★★

·        Rebel Seoul by Axie Oh - ★★★★★

·        Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins - ★★★★★

·        Peace Tree from Hiroshima, The by Sandra Moore - ★★★

·        Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel - ★

·        Where Three Oceans Meet by Rajani LaRocca - ★★★★★

Asian American

·        Different Pond, A by Bao Phi - ★★★★★

·        Morning with Grandpa, A by Sylvia Liu - ★★★★★

·        Amina's Voice by Hena Khan - ★★★

·        Displacement by Kiku Hughes - ★★★★★

·        Drum Dream Girl by Margarita Engle - ★★★★★

·        Every Falling Star by Sungju LeeSusan Elizabeth McClelland - ★★★★★

·        Frankly in Love by David Yoon - ★★★★★

·        Fred Korematsu Speaks Up by Laura Atkins, Stan Yogi - ★★★★★

·        Front Desk by Kelly Yang - ★★★★★

·        Kiyoshi's Walk by Mark Karlins - ★★★★★

·        More to the Story by Hena Khan - ★★★★★

·        Project Mulberry by Linda Sue Park - ★★★★★

·        Sylvia and Aki by Winifred Conkling - ★★★★★

·        Great Wall of Lucy Wu, The by Wendy Wan-Long Shang - ★★★★★

·        Whole Story of Half a Girl, The by Veera Hiranandani - ★★★★★

·        Where Three Oceans Meet by Rajani LaRocca - ★★★★★


·        Our Celebracin!: La Celebracion! by Susan Middleton Elya - ★★★★★

·        13 Colors of the Honduran Resistance by Melissa Cardoza - ★★★★★

·        Mystery Bigger Than Big / Un Misterio Mas Grande Que Grandisimo: A Mickey Rangel Mystery / Coleccion Mickey Rangel, Detective Privado, A by René Saldaña Jr. - ★★★

·        Surprise for Teresita, A by Virginia Sanchez Korrol - ★★★★★

·        Call Me Tree by Maya Christina Gonzalez - ★★★★★

·        Calling the Doves by Juan Felipe Herrera - ★★★★★

·        Caravan to the North by Jorge Argueta - ★★★★★

·        César by Carmen T. Bernier-Grand - ★★★★★

·        Dalia's Wondrous Hair (El Cabello Maravilloso de Dalia) [eBook - NC Kids Digital Library] by Laura Lacámara - ★★★★★

·        For All by Alejandra Domenzain - ★★★★★

·        Furqan's First Flat Top by Robert Liu-Trujillo - ★★★★★

·        Juana and Lucas by Juana Medina - ★★★★★

·        La Frontera / The Border by Deborah Mills, Alfredo Alva - ★★★★★

·        Little Night/Nochecita by Yuyi Morales - ★★★★★

·        Little Skeletons/ Esqueletitos by Susan Jaramillo - ★★★★★

·        Bosque de Don Margarito by Andy Carter - ★★★★★

·        Moony Luna / Luna, Lunita Lunera by Jorge Argueta - ★★★★★

·        One of a Kind, Like Me / Unico Como Yo by Laurin Mayeno - ★★★★★

·        Por ahí viene el huracán: Una aventura de Isa y Mau by Laura Rexach Olivencia - ★★★★★

·        Rainbow Weaver by Linda Elovitz Marshall - ★★★★★

·        Rooster Joe and the Bully / Gallo Joe Y El Abuson by Xavier Garza - ★★★★★

·        Rudas: Nino's Horrendous Hermanitas by Yuyi Morales - ★★★★★

·        Salsa by Jorge Argueta - ★★★★★

·        Side by Side/Lado a lado by Monica Brown - ★★★★★

·        Somos Como Las Nubes / We Are Like the Clouds by Jorge Argueta - ★★★★★

·        Stef Soto, Taco Queen by Jennifer Torres - ★★★★★

·        Stepping Stones by Margriet Ruurs - ★★★

·        Las Mañanitas/the Birthday Book by Susie Jaramillo - ★★★★★

·        Espíritu Del Parque Chicano by Beatrice Zamora - ★★★★★

·        Club de Lectur by Diane Gonzales Bertrand - ★★★★★

·        Story Circle/El Circulo de Cuentos, The by Diane Gonzales Bertrand - ★★★★★

·        Tito Puente, Mambo King/Tito Puente, Rey Del Mambo by - ★★★★★

·        Train called Hope by Mario Bencastro - ★★★★★

Biography and Autobiography

·        42 Is Not Just a Number by Doreen Rappaport - ★★★★★

·        President Donald Trump by Joanne Mattern - ★

·        Ballad of an American by Sharon Rudahl - ★★★★★

·        Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome - ★★★★★

·        Biblioburro: A True Story from Colombia by Jeanette Winter - ★★★

·        Dreamers by Yuyi Morales - ★★★★★

·        Emmanuel's Dream by Laurie Ann Thompson - ★★★★★

·        Fred Korematsu Speaks Up by Laura Atkins, Stan Yogi - ★★★★★

·        La Frontera / The Border by Deborah Mills, Alfredo Alva - ★★★★★

·        Lift as You Climb by Patricia Hruby Powell - ★★★

·        Marti's Song for Freedom by Emma Otheguy - ★★★★★

·        Master George's People by Marfe Ferguson Delano - ★

·        My Heart is on the Ground by Ann Rinaldi - ★

·        Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson - ★

·        Panther Baby by Jamal Joseph - ★★★★★

·        Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton by Don Tate - ★★★★★

·        President Donald Trump by Joanne Mattern - ★

·        Rock and Roll Highway by Sebastian Robertson - ★★★★★

·        Satchel Paige by James Sturm - ★★★

·        Teddy Roosevelt by Sharon Gayle - ★

·        Boy who Harnessed the Wind, The by William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer - ★★★★★

·        Case for Loving, The by Selina Alko - ★★★

·        Compassionate Warrior, The by Elsa Marston - ★★★★★

·        Mangrove Tree, The by Cindy Trumbore, Susan L. Roth - ★

·        Sky Painter, The by Margarita Engle - ★★★★★

·        This Promise of Change by Jo Ann Allen Boyce, Debbie Levy - ★★★★★

·        Unpresidented by Martha Brockenbrough - ★★★★★

·        When the Beat Was Born by Laban Carrick Hill - ★★★★★

Books and Libraries

·        Biblioburro: A True Story from Colombia by Jeanette Winter - ★★★

·        Destiny's Gift by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley - ★★★★★

·        Pura's Cuentos by Annette Bay Pimentel - ★★★★★

·        Waiting for the BiblioBurro by Monica Brown - ★★★


·        Thunderous Whisper, A by Christina Diaz Gonzalez - ★★★★★

·        Abigail the Whale by Davide Cali - ★

·        Dead Girls Society by Michelle Krys - ★★★★★

·        Finding Langston by Lesa Cline-Ransome - ★★★★★

·        Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes - ★★★

·        Man Up! by Riley Campbell, London Jones, Shirelle Hurt - ★★★★★

·        Out of Breath: Kendra's Big Secret by Destiney Mayhew, Aderemi Abosede, Kairon Cunningham - ★★★★★

·        Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde - ★★★★★

·        Rooster Joe and the Bully / Gallo Joe Y El Abuson by Xavier Garza - ★★★★★

·        Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks, Gita Varadarajan - ★★★★★

·        Separate Is Never Equal by Duncan Tonatiuh - ★★★★★

·        Shine by Lauren Myracle - ★★★★★

·        Sparkle Boy by Lesléa Newman - ★★★★★

·        Day You Begin, The by Jacqueline Woodson - ★★★★★

·        Hoodie Hero, The by Ashley Cooper, Daequan Golden, Rico McCard - ★★★★★

·        Zack Delacruz: Me and My Big Mouth by Jeff Anderson - ★★★★★