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Webinars and Resources

1)     Title: Intent vs. Impact

Video Link:

Dr. CI from Diverse City

Length of video: 2:32

Exercise: Please watch the video; listen carefully as we want your thoughts on what is being conveyed.

Reflection questions

1)     What do you think about assuming good intent?

2)     Think of a time when your intentions may have impacted someone. If you realized you caused harm, what should you do to proceed in repairing the harm that you may have caused?

3)     Dr. CI talks about “leaning into” a conversation on diversity. She indicates that when we lean into a conversation we think about “how are my words, my actions and my thoughts really imposing on someone? “. Can you think of a time when you have “leaned into a conversation” and what happened?  If you have not had this experience can you tell us if you are willing to try to lean into a conversation, and why you are you willing to try to do this?

4)     Do you think we have difficulty having difficult conversation about diversity and inclusion in the work we do and why? How can we get better?


2)     Title: Implicit Bias vs Explicit Bias: What is the Difference?


Length: 3.27



3)    Title: Implicit Bias  How it affects us and how we push through | Melanie Funchess | TEDxFlourCity - YouTube

Length 16:12


Implicit Bias- A prejudice that turns into a bias that is unconscious, you do not know that you are doing it. These are attitudes and stereotypes that affect our behaviors, our decisions, and our attitudes unconsciously.

Explicit Bias- a conscious bias that you are aware of and you know exactly what and why you are doing what you are doing.  It is very clear to you what you are saying, leaving no doubt about the meaning.

Exercise: Please watch the video; listen carefully as we want your thoughts on what is conveyed.

Reflection questions

1)     Why do you think that our explicit biases show up when human beings become afraid?

2)     Please share a time when you have been the recipient of an implicit or an explicit bias. How did it make you feel?

3)     How can we work together to combat implicit biases? Melanie speaks about being “self-aware”.  Why is it important to check our own implicit biases?  

4)     Will you be able to make some connections with people that do not look like you intentionally?

4)     Title: The N Word- A Special Report

Video Link:

Source: The Grant Magazine

Length of video: 7:22

Exercise: Please watch the video

Reflection questions

1)     What did you think of what was said in the video?

2)     What do you think of the use of the N word?

3)     How might you change the way you see the use of the N word and why?

Article to Read – Racing ACEs gathering and reflection: If it is not racially just, it is not trauma-informed.

Activity: Please read this short three-page article and think about how to respond to the following questions, all listed on the bottom of page 2 in the article.


White Supremacy or White-Body Supremacy- Robin DiAngelo described white supremacy as the all-encompassing centrality and assumed superiority of people defined and perceived as white, and the practices based on this assumption…. White supremacy does not refer to individual white people per se and their individual intentions, but to a political-economic social system of domination. This system is based on the historical and current accumulation of structural power that privileges, centralizes and elevates white people as a group…. I do not use it to refer to extreme hate groups. I use the term to capture the pervasiveness, magnitude, and normalcy of white dominance and assumed superiority.

One aspect of this type of white-body supremacy involves seeing “whites as the norm… or standard for human, and people of color as a deviation from that norm… an actress becomes a black actress, and so on.  Thus, we (BIPOC) move through a wholly racialized world with an unracialized identity (e.g. white people can represent all of humanity, people of color can only represent their racial selves).”

Reflection questions

1)     For the privileged that depend on supremacy for their own well-being and preservation, this struggle is key. How do we dismantle habits of “whiteness” for ourselves and for diverse communities at large, especially those who profit from such habits?

2)     Given that some of us understand “white” to be another terms for savage greed, how do we cross the divide to do this work?

3)     And how do we make it clear that the quest to end white supremacy is in itself a white responsibility?

5) Video- I am from here- Powerful documentary by our BIPOC Youth.


For Teachers:

Teaching Tolerance website:

To teach about Black Lives Matter