Health and Dental Insurance
Evergreen Open Enrollment Notice
Flowchart of how to use your health (including eye exams) and dental insurance.
Insurance card images - which one to use for what
Health (click here for helpful definitions)
- Licensed Staff (teachers)/Admin Premium Rates
- Non-Licensed Staff/Support Staff Premium Rates
- BCBS of VT Benefits Guide
- Premium Grids on VEHI site by employee group
- BCBS Enrollment & Change Form
- Statement of Domestic Partnership
- BCBS Health Insurance Waiver
- BCBS Summary of Benefits and Coverage including HRA Wrap (Printed copies available at no cost from HR)
- Telemedicine with Amwell - medical help via computer, tablet or smartphone
- Hinge Health - PT at home
- Medicare, Prescriptions and Creditable Coverage Notice
- Link to VEHI's page and plan details (including video series)
- More useful links from VEHI (prescriptions, plan documents, FSA, HRA, HSA and more!)
- Dental Premium Rates
- Dental Enrollment Form
- Statement of Domestic Partnership
- Dental Plan Policy Summary
- Dental Plan Policy (complete)
- Dental Waiver of Coverage
- JoinHealth website
- JoinHealth instructions to see your CBA Blue dental claims, order a new card, and enter a claim.
FSA, HRA, HSA and Dependent Care Claim Forms with beneliance (DataPath)
- FSA Booklet
- FSA Claim Form (you have 45 days to file claims that occurred prior to the end of the calendar year OR your date of separation)
- FSA Recurring Claim Form
- FSA Reimbursement Instructions
- HRA Claim Form
- Dependent Care Claim Form
- Mysource debit card replacement or additional card request form
- HSA Booklet
- HSA Claim Form
- Link to beneliance videos that explain these benefits and how they work