Board Policies
Procedure for submitting notice of open meeting law violation
A. Board Operations
A1 - Board Member Conflict of Interest
B. Personnel
B1 - Substitute Teachers
B2 - Volunteers and Work Study Students
B3 - Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
B4 - Drug & Alcohol Testing: Transportation Employees
B5 - Employee Unlawful Harassment
B6 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance (HIPAA)
B7 - Tobacco Prohibition
B8 - Electronic Communication Between Employees and Students
C. Students
C1 - Education Records
C1-P - Procedure Regarding Education Records
C2 - Student Alcohol and Drugs
C3 - Transportation
C4 - English Learners
C5 - Firearms
C6 - Participation of Home Study Students
Home Study Procedure
C7 - Student Attendance
C8 - Pupil Privacy Rights
C9 - Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy
C10 - Prevention of Harassment, Hazing and Bullying of Students
C10-P - Prevention of Harassment, Hazing and Bullying of Students Procedures
C11 - Student Freedom of Expression
C12 - Meal Charge Policy
C13 - Prevention of Sexual Harassment as Prohibited by Title IX
C14 - Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students and Staff
C15 - Homeless Students
C20 - Student Conduct and Discipline (Recommended)
C21 - Therapy Dog Policy
C22 - In-District Transfer Policy
C29 - District Equity Policy
D. Instruction
D1 - Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs)
D2 - Grade Advancement: Retention, Promotion & Acceleration of Students
D3 - Responsible Computer, Network & Internet Use
D4 - Title I Comparability Policy
D5 - Animal Dissection
D6 - Class Size Policy
Class Size Procedure
D7 - Special Education
E. School-Community Relations
E1 - Title I, Part A: Parental Involvement Policy
E2 - Trespass Policy
E3 - Public Use of School Facilities
F. Non-Instructional Operations
F1 - Travel Reimbursement Policy
F2 - Capitalization of Assets
F3 - Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Procurement
F4 - Policy on Nondiscriminatory Mascots and School Branding
F5 - Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills
F6 - Access Control and Visitor Management
F20 - Fiscal Management and General Financial Accountability
F22 - Use of Federal Funds to Support School Workforce